"Working at the Jail is a humbling experience. Many of the inmates were discouraged by the choices they made leading them into jail and had a negative outlook on the future they would endure. The GED program can be used as a leading definition of reducing recidivism, helping inmates remember that they have the choice to change. Some of the inmates I worked with were convinced that they were not good enough and not smart enough to obtain their GED. Comments such as “I am too old” or “I am not good at math” were the negative thoughts that consumed some of the inmates, but with time and practice they were able to succeed. Working with my supervisor Brody made for a collaborative and meaningful experience. While I excelled in math, Brody constantly helped me grow with my grammatical errors. Brody is an amazing leader, provides quality feedback, and allows one’s voice to be heard. The program was orderly and professional. For those looking for an enlightening experience, this is the program for you."
Brittany, 2017