


Our mission is to offer education to the people in our community who otherwise would not have access to it. Founded on the belief that Art has the power to affect radical change in a community, Lion Life seeks to inspire our students to create a better world through many different artistic mediums. We believe Art, at its core, is about conveying or shifting a perspective, and that metacognition is often the result of creating. When anyone engages in metacognition, they are more able to overcome challenges, gain perspective, self-regulate, and persevere through any issue. By having our students create in a collaborative setting, they also come to form deep relationships around the act of creation, leading to an unheralded unity across all fronts. For the enrichment of our community and our future, we believe in education for all.



"I truly believe that education has the ability to bring Light even to the darkest corridors. "

— Brody Smithwick, Founder