


Offered everyday

16 classes per week

General equivalency diploma (GED)

The General Equivalency Diploma can be taken by individuals who did not receive their high school diploma. Once they pass this nationally accredited test, they become eligible to attend college and can qualify for federal financial aid.  Our courses are designed to help students become test-ready for the official G.E.D. test that is offered once a month in the jail via our partnership with Chattahoochee Technical College. We offer instruction in Math, Science, Reading, Composition, and Social Studies. All students participate in a general assessment that is then used to help our instructors tailor a learning plan for each individual. We work with each student one-on-one to better equip them for success when taking the official exam.


offered T W

8 classes per week

English as a Second Language (ESL)

Our English as a Second Language classes aim to equip non-native english speakers with a better understanding of the English language. We use a variety of teaching methods to accomplish this goal as our students come to us from varying backgrounds and skill levels. However, our primary approach is to immerse our students in conversation that centers around a daily worksheet. This worksheet is tailored to meet the needs of the multiple skill levels present in our classes.


offered T W R F

8 classes per week

Creative writing

The creative writing classes equip students with a strong understanding of the most current composition theories. Our students take this theoretical knowledge and apply it by composing in a variety of genres. Our students have written short stories, plays, poems, and even complete novels while attending our classes. All of these forms of composition engage our students in metacognition, that is, thinking about their thinking. We believe metacognition is a powerful tool in changing the way one thinks and, as a direct result, in changing an individual's behavior. These creative works are all done in a communal setting that create an atmosphere of diverse unity.  We also believe Art is an unmatched force for good, and therefore deserves a high place among the courses we offer.



Continuing education preparation

For all of our students who obtain their GED, as well as other students interested in pursuing higher education, we offer a continuing education workshop. In this course we help students identify degree paths that best line up with their passions and future goals. We cover how to apply for university, how to fill out a FAFSA form, how the HOPE Scholarship works, and how to manage time well. We also help them to create a realistic budget built around being a successful student. We discuss the topics of credit hours, transferring, and good study habits in the hopes of equipping them to succeed in classrooms beyond our own.


Offered Once a fortnight




Many former inmates face the nearly impossible task of securing gainful employment upon release due to their criminal histories. Lion Life has partnered with Loving Won by One Ministries to provide an innovative entrepreneurship opportunity to our students. They learn best business practices, how to file for a business license, budgeting skills, and ultimately draft a detailed business plan. For students that complete the course, Loving Won by One offers post-release aid and mentoring to help bring these small businesses into fruition.



2 Housing Units at a time, Rotating Every 12 weeks


Music is the epoch of human expression. Scientific studies have found that music stimulates the brain more than any other human function. It aids in building cognitive function, repairs memory loss, reduces pain and anxiety, relieves stress, and improves social relationships, as well as other therapeutic outcomes. Even our blood moves through our bodies in rhythm! We believe that by teaching Fundamentals of Music, Choral Singing, and Ethnomusicology we can equip our students with the skills of self-control, discipline, determination, and a more complete worldview. We also believe that our imaginations are the first step towards innovation. They are the link to all the blueprints for every technological, industrial, and sociological advancement that mankind has ever made. We hope to stretch the imagination of the student and encourage an environment of creativity through the study of Composition. All of these outcomes can lead to gainful employment, restored social relationships, overcoming addiction, and positive community participation.



In partnership with the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office, Lion Life Community, Inc. operates a full-service library inside the county jail. The library contains over 3,500 titles and is accessed hundreds of times each month. 
